Alkaline Water pH and Cancer

Planet Ion water is believed to have many health benefits and understanding the links between Alkaline Water pH and Cancer is an important topic. It’s free from many of the contaminants that can be found in tap water. And for a lot of people, it’s their drink of choice because of its alkaline pH level. While others think that alkaline water could play an important role in promoting good health.

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New Bottle Water Technology

As companies learn more about manufacturing and filtration processes, the bottle water technology used for every industry improves. There is new bottle water technology that companies in the industry use to ensure they are supplying the most clean water to customers. Drinking the most clean, fresh water available means you will be properly hydrated and this new bottle water technology can help!


Typical water filtration is designed to remove most harmful particles from water. This ensures it is clean and safe to drink. There are new technologies that help to create ultra pure water cleanliness in an efficient manner that is also environmentally friendly. Some of these include good microorganisms that remove particles, purification using sand, and particle purification processes that can help clean waste water.

While clean water is widely available from the tap in most US locations, that isn’t true in all countries and locations. While backpacking or for those living in areas without access to clean water, a recent innovation called Life Straw. The Life Straw is a huge leap forward in water technology and while not bottled, it is taking steps to get clean water to everyone

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